Service terms and limitations

Service terms and limitations

1) Trainer / Counsellor will provide Client with personalized coaching which will be a mix of online and practical classes (if feasible) at residence / location agreed upon that are non-transferable to any other party

2) Client agrees that he / she is above of eighteen (18) years and has the power and authority to enter into and perform one’s obligations under this Agreement with Trainer / Counsellor

3) All Trainers / Counsellors here provide paid service which is non-transferable to any other party and fees for which will be decided mutually by both Trainer and Client based on number of sessions per month, split into weeks

4) The charges are to be paid in advance by Client to Trainer / Counsellor to the designated bank account to be communicated once the agreement is signed by both parties and are subject to revision as agreed upon. No cash transaction is allowed unless there is an extreme necessity

5) Client agrees that he / she is the authorized signatory of the fees paid to the Trainer / Counsellor or else the designated Guardian will sign the agreement along with the Client

6) The Fees to Trainer for Fitness Training, Nutrition Services and Physiotherapy are exclusive of each other , i.e. in case Nutrition counseling is required along with Fitness training, charges for each will be separate

7) Fees do not include any costs to be borne by Client for telecommunications access, telephonic conversation charges, computer hardware, software, etc. as applicable in case online classes / counseling are provided

8) Confidentiality of information related to this program shared between Trainer and Client will be maintained by both parties unless allowed by each party through mutual consent to share such information with outsiders

9) All information provided by Client to Trainer / Counsellor including those in ‘Informed Consent’ and ‘Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire’ and any such questionnaire to be provided by Client to Trainer / Counsellor separately are truthful, accurate and complete

10) Information presented to Client by Trainer / Counsellor in the entire training program is for the purposes of physical well being of Client and cannot be construed to replace any other medical treatment that is being undergone by Client

11) Client must responsibly inform the Trainer / Counsellor of any health problems, injuries, pregnancy or recent pregnancies or any other health conditions that is relevant to exercising or counselling. In the event that the medical clearance must be obtained prior to participation in this program, Client agrees to consult own physician and obtain written permission prior to the commencement of any program

12) Client understands that he or she is responsible for monitoring own condition throughout the program. Should any unusual symptoms occur, Client will stop participation and inform instructor of the symptoms immediately

13) Both Client and Trainer / Counsellor may discontinue the sessions any time with 7 days notice and all pending fees to Trainer Counsellor paid in full

14) In signing the various consent forms and starting the session, Client affirms that he / she has read the contents here and those to be signed in its entirety and is voluntarily joining the sessions